Cerec Technology Comes to Framingham Dental Group

October 24, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:41 pm

Cerec cad-cam technology can restore your teeth with all ceramic crowns or onlays in ONE visit: No more goo in your mouth. No more multiple visits. No more temporary crowns. No more metal lines to potentially show at the gum line.

The first visit is the only visit.

I take computer generated pictures of your teeth and use them to design all white ceramic restorations. The crown is created by the Cerec machine in about ten minutes. Then I just bond it into your mouth.

The Cerec technology makes the process of restoration easier and more convenient but it’s also better than the older method. The Cerec allows me to be more conservative when drilling. Also, there is no risk of anything causing infection while you wait for your crown to be made at the lab. The bottom line is: you get a better crown in less time, with less drilling and it looks great!

I’m excited to share this new technology with you. The Cerec is in the waiting room. I hope you enjoy watching it work. If you have any questions, just ask.

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