Framingham Dental Group-Oral Cancer

May 25, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:48 pm

First with oral or pharyngeal cancer will die within 5 years of initial diagnosis. 1 some statistics. 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer in 2013. 800 Americans will die of oral or pharyngeal cancer in 2013. 43 percent of those American dies every hour of oral or pharyngeal cancer.

Oral cancer is on the rise. Young people with no known risk factors are the group in which oral cancer rates are rising the fastest. The reason for this increase is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Seventy percent of the population has HPV or has had HPV.

Every patient that comes to Framingham Dental Group receives a thorough visual oral cancer screening. The reason is that it takes 4 years for oral cancer to develop. When caught early, the initial “dysplasia” cells can be destroyed and the patient can be cured.

There are several oral cancer screening devises that can assist our visual exam. We use the velscope. T his machine uses light to fluoresce the oral tissues and the areas of dysplasia can be more easily identified. This machine enhances visualization of the oral cavity. It is painless, tasteless and odorless. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns at your next visit.

First some statistics. 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer in 2013. 800 Americans will die of oral or pharyngeal cancer in 2013. 43 percent of those with oral or pharyngeal cancer will die within 5 years of initial diagnosis. 1 American dies every hour of oral or pharyngeal cancer.

Oral cancer is on the rise. Young people with no known risk factors are the group in which oral cancer rates are rising the fastest. The reason for this increase is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Seventy percent of the population has HPV or has had HPV.

Every patient that comes to Framingham Dental Group receives a thorough visual oral cancer screening. The reason is that it takes 4 years for oral cancer to develop. When caught early, the initial “dysplasia” cells can be destroyed and the patient can be cured.

There are several oral cancer screening devises that can assist our visual exam. We use the velscope. T his machine uses light to fluoresce the oral tissues and the areas of dysplasia can be more easily identified. This machine enhances visualization of the oral cavity. It is painless, tasteless and odorless. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns at your next visit.

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