Sedation Dentistry Part 2

November 20, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:52 pm

There are two questions I’m frequently asked regarding sedation dentistry procedures in my office. The first question involves concerns about being completely “knocked out.” The second question seeks information on pain management.

A great strength of oral sedation is the fact that you are never unconscious. You are in a state of relaxation that allows you to be comfortably drowsy. If a problem or concern arises during treatment, you are able to let me know. I am constantly monitoring your breathing, pulse, and blood pressure. This allows me to keep you in a comfortable state throughout the procedure. Sedation medications produce a state of amnesia. You will be awake and comfortable but will, most likely, not remember having the dental work done.

My expectation is for you to experience no pain. When you are relaxed and comfortable local anesthetics are able to be administered with a high level of efficiency. When I combine nitrous oxide with the local anesthetics, I am usually able to use less anesthetics and less injections are necessary. The result is little to no post operative pain regardless of the complexity of the procedures performed.

Sedation is a great alternative for patients who have trouble with conventional forms of treatment and have been procrastinating necessary procedures due to their fears. Or, it may be something you seek just because a more comfortable experience is possible.

I am available by appointment for consultation regarding sedation dentistry. This service is available for my current patients and referrals of their friends and family. Please call my office at 508-872-0041. More information can be found at

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