Who wants straight teeth?

June 5, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:53 pm

In my pursuit to learn and implement new and exciting technologies to my practice I’m pleased to announce that I am certified to provide short term orthodontics to my adult patients. Six Month Smiles is the brand name of this type of orthodontics and it joins Clear Correct and Invisalign as options at Framingham Dental Group. Please feel free to ask about these services at your next appointment.

What Is Six Month Smiles?
Six Month Smiles® is a modern twist on tried-and-true orthodontics. There is little debate within the orthodontic community that braces are the most widely used and most effective method to give patients straight, healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. Six Month Smiles has taken the best aspects of braces and modified the treatment and the materials to give adults a common-sense, cosmetic solution that fits your lifestyle. Here is what makes Six Month Smiles so innovative …
Average treatment times of only six months
Six Month Smiles Lucid-Lok™ clear brackets and tooth-colored wires are barely visible
Use of braces has shown to provide the most conservative and predictable final result
Six Month Smiles Patient Tray Kits™ ensure that your appointments are fast and comfortable
Low forces and short overall treatment times increase comfort, safety, and hygiene
Six Month Smiles is typically less expensive than traditional braces, aligner therapy, or veneers

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